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Story Archives


Adam Pollack

By Adam Pollack

I spent Saturdays attending synagogue in the morning and then working at our family store. When we arrived at the store, we flipped milk crates to sit on and put cardboard on the work table to use as a tablecloth. It wasn’t just my immediate family either, my grandparents worked there, too. We would order shrimp with lobster sauce and pork fried rice. I later realized, this was Shabbat lunch, the Pollack way.

Now, Friday afternoons are for running, to separate my week from the weekend. Friday night dinner spent with my husband and dog. When I light the candles, our dog wags his tail because challah is coming. He embodies our joy at letting the week melt away. I know now, that this is Shabbat dinner, the Pollack way.


How have you brought childhood traditions to your life as an adult?


Adam Pollack is a social entrepreneur living in San Francisco with his husband, Nathan, and dog, Stewie.