It’s time to take stock of your year. It’s happening this week in a financial sense, as you pay taxes. But it’s also happening right here in the Friday sense, with the help of these five questions. Answer them quickly and accurately, and then spend your evening thinking about your answers.
This week's content is brought to you by 10Q, a Reboot project that engages you annually in a series of contemplative questions around the Jewish High Holidays.
Describe a significant experience that has happened in the past year. How did it affect you? Are you grateful? Relieved? Resentful? Inspired?
Is there something that you wish you had done differently this past year? Alternatively, is there something you're especially proud of from this past year?
Think about a milestone that happened with your family this past year. How has this affected you?
Describe an event in the world that has impacted you this year. How? Why?
Have you had any particularly spiritual experiences this past year? How has this experience affected you? (“Spiritual” can be broadly defined to include secular spiritual experiences: artistic, cultural, and so forth.)