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FRIDAY is a free mobile App, designed and produced by Reboot + IDEO, for the iPhone. It offers a distinctive invitation -- a warm welcome and open door to unplugging, mindfulness, and connection. Each Friday, 30 minutes before sunset, your phone's screen recedes into a blissful twilight and serves up a short thought-provoking story and question to prompt a pause for personal reflection and lively discussion. Using head, heart, and humor, FRIDAY helps transition us from the stressful week into a more restful weekend state of mind.

The FRIDAY App is inspired by the Jewish tradition of Shabbat. But you certainly don’t have to be Jewish to unplug on a Friday night. The experience is open to all.

We know it’s ironic - an App that encourages you to unplug and connect with others. But maybe it will help you quiet the noise for 15 minutes. Or maybe you'll make it all night long without texting. It kind of doesn't matter. Either way, it'll be time well spent.

Want to read more from FRIDAY? Read past stories here.

About the Partnership

Reboot affirms the value of Jewish traditions and creates new ways for people to make them their own. Inspired by Judaism’s embrace of the arts, humor, food, philosophy, and social justice, we produce creative projects that spark the interest of young Jews and the larger community. Among our productions are events, exhibitions, recordings, books, films, DIY activity toolkits, and apps.

Since our inception, 509 network members, 889 organizational partners, and hundreds of thousands of people have looked to Reboot to rekindle connections and re-imagine Jewish lives full of meaning, creativity, and joy. Projects include The National Day of Unplugging/Sabbath ManifestoSix-Word Memoirs on Jewish LifeBeyond Bubbie, and Unscrolled.

To learn more, please visit


IDEO (pronounced “eye-dee-oh”) is an award-winning global design company that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and grow.

We identify new ways to serve and support people by uncovering latent needs, behaviors, and desires.

We envision new companies and brands, and we design the products, services, spaces, and interactive experiences that bring them to life.

We help organizations build creative culture and the internal systems required to sustain innovation and launch new ventures.  

To learn more, please visit


This project has come to life thanks to the partnership and generous support of The Righteous Persons Foundation.